This country has 3 colors in their national flag which are True Blue (#0072C6), Metallic Yellow (#FCD116) and Shamrock Green (#009E60).
This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.
Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes.
The national flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has three colors – blue, gold/yellow and green – with hexadecimal codes #0072C6, #FCD116 and #009E60; the equivalent RGB and CMYK codes are in the table. The closest PantoneĀ® values of the colors are 3005 C, 115 C and 340 C.
The blue in the flag represents the sky and clear waters of the Caribbean, gold/yellow is for the sand of its beaches and green is for the fertile land. The vertical tricolour, in which the middle yellow band is twice the size of the other two, also incorporates three green diamond shapes arranged to form the letter “V” as a tribute to Saint Vincent. The flag was adopted on 21 October 1985.
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