There are several popular web browsers – Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari. All of them support the following 147 color names. Thus, instead of using hexadecimal color codes, you can simply put the color name.
For instance, use <font color="red">
in HTML in place of <font color="#ff0000">
. The same can be employed in CSS too: {color: red;}
instead of {color: #ff0000;}
The one advantage that comes to mind is that it makes it slightly more clear to the person reading the code. After all, we humans are accustomed to words and not arcane code, right?
Actually, these color names belong to an old era of the world wide web. It is highly recommended using hexadecimal color codes or the RGB values. Also note that in addition to HTML, these names are also supported in CSS and SVG.
Color | Color Names | Hex |
AliceBlue | #F0F8FF | |
AntiqueWhite | #FAEBD7 | |
Aqua | #00FFFF | |
Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | |
Azure | #F0FFFF | |
Beige | #F5F5DC | |
Bisque | #FFE4C4 | |
Black | #000000 | |
BlanchedAlmond | #FFEBCD | |
Blue | #0000FF | |
BlueViolet | #8A2BE2 | |
Brown | #A52A2A | |
BurlyWood | #DEB887 | |
CadetBlue | #5F9EA0 | |
Chartreuse | #7FFF00 | |
Chocolate | #D2691E | |
Coral | #FF7F50 | |
CornflowerBlue | #6495ED | |
Cornsilk | #FFF8DC | |
Crimson | #DC143C | |
Cyan | #00FFFF | |
DarkBlue | #00008B | |
DarkCyan | #008B8B | |
DarkGoldenRod | #B8860B | |
DarkGray | #A9A9A9 | |
DarkGreen | #006400 | |
DarkKhaki | #BDB76B | |
DarkMagenta | #8B008B | |
DarkOliveGreen | #556B2F | |
DarkOrange | #FF8C00 | |
DarkOrchid | #9932CC | |
DarkRed | #8B0000 | |
DarkSalmon | #E9967A | |
DarkSeaGreen | #8FBC8F | |
DarkSlateBlue | #483D8B | |
DarkSlateGray | #2F4F4F | |
DarkTurquoise | #00CED1 | |
DarkViolet | #9400D3 | |
DeepPink | #FF1493 | |
DeepSkyBlue | #00BFFF | |
DimGray | #696969 | |
DodgerBlue | #1E90FF | |
FireBrick | #B22222 | |
FloralWhite | #FFFAF0 | |
ForestGreen | #228B22 | |
Fuchsia | #FF00FF | |
Gainsboro | #DCDCDC | |
GhostWhite | #F8F8FF | |
Gold | #FFD700 | |
GoldenRod | #DAA520 | |
Gray | #808080 | |
Green | #008000 | |
GreenYellow | #ADFF2F | |
HoneyDew | #F0FFF0 | |
HotPink | #FF69B4 | |
IndianRed | #CD5C5C | |
Indigo | #4B0082 | |
Ivory | #FFFFF0 | |
Khaki | #F0E68C | |
Lavender | #E6E6FA | |
LavenderBlush | #FFF0F5 | |
LawnGreen | #7CFC00 | |
LemonChiffon | #FFFACD | |
LightBlue | #ADD8E6 | |
LightCoral | #F08080 | |
LightCyan | #E0FFFF | |
LightGoldenRodYellow | #FAFAD2 | |
LightGray | #D3D3D3 | |
LightGreen | #90EE90 | |
LightPink | #FFB6C1 | |
LightSalmon | #FFA07A | |
LightSeaGreen | #20B2AA | |
LightSkyBlue | #87CEFA | |
LightSlateGray | #778899 | |
LightSteelBlue | #B0C4DE | |
LightYellow | #FFFFE0 | |
Lime | #00FF00 | |
LimeGreen | #32CD32 | |
Linen | #FAF0E6 | |
Magenta | #FF00FF | |
Maroon | #800000 | |
MediumAquaMarine | #66CDAA | |
MediumBlue | #0000CD | |
MediumOrchid | #BA55D3 | |
MediumPurple | #9370DB | |
MediumSeaGreen | #3CB371 | |
MediumSlateBlue | #7B68EE | |
MediumSpringGreen | #00FA9A | |
MediumTurquoise | #48D1CC | |
MediumVioletRed | #C71585 | |
MidnightBlue | #191970 | |
MintCream | #F5FFFA | |
MistyRose | #FFE4E1 | |
Moccasin | #FFE4B5 | |
NavajoWhite | #FFDEAD | |
Navy | #000080 | |
OldLace | #FDF5E6 | |
Olive | #808000 | |
OliveDrab | #6B8E23 | |
Orange | #FFA500 | |
OrangeRed | #FF4500 | |
Orchid | #DA70D6 | |
PaleGoldenRod | #EEE8AA | |
PaleGreen | #98FB98 | |
PaleTurquoise | #AFEEEE | |
PaleVioletRed | #DB7093 | |
PapayaWhip | #FFEFD5 | |
PeachPuff | #FFDAB9 | |
Peru | #CD853F | |
Pink | #FFC0CB | |
Plum | #DDA0DD | |
PowderBlue | #B0E0E6 | |
Purple | #800080 | |
RebeccaPurple | #663399 | |
Red | #FF0000 | |
RosyBrown | #BC8F8F | |
RoyalBlue | #4169E1 | |
SaddleBrown | #8B4513 | |
Salmon | #FA8072 | |
SandyBrown | #F4A460 | |
SeaGreen | #2E8B57 | |
SeaShell | #FFF5EE | |
Sienna | #A0522D | |
Silver | #C0C0C0 | |
SkyBlue | #87CEEB | |
SlateBlue | #6A5ACD | |
SlateGray | #708090 | |
Snow | #FFFAFA | |
SpringGreen | #00FF7F | |
SteelBlue | #4682B4 | |
Tan | #D2B48C | |
Teal | #008080 | |
Thistle | #D8BFD8 | |
Tomato | #FF6347 | |
Turquoise | #40E0D0 | |
Violet | #EE82EE | |
Wheat | #F5DEB3 | |
White | #FFFFFF | |
WhiteSmoke | #F5F5F5 | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | |
YellowGreen | #9ACD32 |
Sanjeev Kumar
January 18th, 2016
Useful Information thank you |
December 12th, 2018
Minty Moon13
February 25th, 2021
TO |
August 12th, 2021
Fuchsia and Magenta are same color? #FF00FF |
August 27th, 2021
Yes. They are the same color. That is how #FF00FF was named in the web colors list. Refer or |
December 27th, 2021
AC if I’m correct Magenta is the new name for Fuchsia or the other way around |
December 28th, 2021
The web color names are derived from X11 system color names. In the original[*] list, the hexadecimal color code #FF00FF was referred to as magenta AND fuchsia. You can, thus, use either of these names, in addition to the hex or RGB values, in CSS, HTML and even SVG to display the color #FF00FF (#F0F). [*] No one truly knows which is the original cause things have been lost in time. |
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