The hex code of the Swiggy Logo is #FC8019. The RGB equivalent is (252,128,25). The table below has HSL, HSB values, the closest CMYK numbers, RAL and PANTONE® color codes. Click on a color chip to view shades, tints and tones, and also download patterns, gradients and palettes of the color.
Color | Color name and codes |
info Note: CMYK color codes, RAL numbers and Pantone values have been calculated from the hex color code and are not exact. English color names are based on our extensive research on color nomenclature. In case of doubts, clarifications or suggestions, send us a message.
I think Keshav choose orange or pumpkin whatever you say because it’s a colour of temptation and its add fuel on fire because it can increase hunger
That is a smart way to put it – “temptation” that adds fuel to the “fire of hunger”. However, that shade of orange is recognised as Pumpkin, from the vegetable and also because of its association with Halloween. I can be completely wrong, though!