This country has 2 colors in their national flag which are Midnight Blue (#004B87) and Tangerine Yellow (#FFCD00).
This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.
Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes.
The national flag of Sweden has two colors – blue and yellow. The exact PantoneĀ® have been specified and they are 301 C (301 U uncoated) and 116 C (109 U uncoated) for the blue and yellow, respectively. The specifications for the NCS (Natural Colour System) are NCS 4055-R95B and NCS 0580-Y10R. Based on these, the closest hexadecimal codes are #004B87 and #FFCD00; the corresponding RGB and CMYK values are in the table.
The colors in the Swedish flag are derived from the coat of arms of Sweden which itself is probably inspired by the royal coat of arms of King Magnus III of 1275. The Sveriges flagga has a yellow Scandinavian cross over a blue field – the Nordic cross in the flag represents the Christian heritage of the nation.
Cliff Pierson
March 25th, 2017
Where can I purchase tangerine yellow and Persian blue for the Swedish flag colors |
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