This country has 6 colors in their national flag which are Lava (#DC1016), Resolution Blue (#002688), Blue Jeans (#62B0E2), Sizzling Sunrise (#F9DA06), Copper Penny (#BD725F) and North Texas Green (#00892D).
This color combination was created by user Maya. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.
Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes.
The national flag of Sint Maarten has three dominant colors – red, blue and white – the colors of the Dutch flag. The hexadecimal codes of the red and blue are #DC1016 and #002688 and their closest PantoneĀ® vales are 2035 C and 2726 C. The corresponding RGB and CMYK are in the table.
The flag was designed by Roselle Richardson, a 17-year-old, and adopted on 13 June 1985. It includes the country’s coat of arms on a white chevron. The red of the flag signifies courage, the blue is for peace while the white is for purity and faith.
Sint Maarten is an island country and a part of the Kingdom of Netherlands.Ā
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