The Psychedelic Art Color Scheme has 6 colors, which are Middle Yellow (#FFEB00), Vivid Red (#FC0019), Malachite (#01FF4F), Shocking Pink (#FF01D7), Interdimensional Blue (#5600CC) and Turquoise Blue (#00EDF5). The RGB and CMYK values of the colors are in the table below along with the closest RAL and PANTONE® numbers. Click on a color chip to view shades, tints and tones, and also download patterns, gradients and palettes of the color.
Color name, hex codes, RGB, CMYK, RAL and Pantone values
Color name and codes
Name: Middle Yellow
Hex: #FFEB00
RGB: (255, 235, 0)
CMYK: (0, 8, 100, 0)
HSV: 55° 100% 100%
HSL: 55° 100% 50%
RAL: 1026
Pantone: 803 C
Name: Vivid Red
Hex: #FC0019
RGB: (252, 0, 25)
CMYK: (0, 100, 90, 1)
HSV: 354° 100% 99%
HSL: 354° 100% 49%
RAL: 3026
Pantone: 185 C
Name: Malachite
Hex: #01FF4F
RGB: (1, 255, 79)
CMYK: (100, 0, 69, 0)
HSV: 138° 100% 100%
HSL: 138° 100% 50%
RAL: 6038
Pantone: 2420 C
Name: Shocking Pink
Hex: #FF01D7
RGB: (255, 1, 215)
CMYK: (0, 100, 16, 0)
HSV: 309° 100% 100%
HSL: 309° 100% 50%
RAL: 4010
Pantone: 807 C
Name: Interdimensional Blue
Hex: #5600CC
RGB: (86, 0, 204)
CMYK: (58, 100, 0, 20)
HSV: 265° 100% 80%
HSL: 265° 100% 40%
RAL: 5002
Pantone: Violet C
Name: Turquoise Blue
Hex: #00EDF5
RGB: (0, 237, 245)
CMYK: (100, 3, 0, 4)
HSV: 182° 100% 96%
HSL: 182° 100% 48%
RAL: 5012
Pantone: 311 C
info Note: CMYK color codes, RAL numbers and Pantone values have been calculated from the hex color code and are not exact. English color names are based on our extensive research on color nomenclature. In case of doubts, clarifications or suggestions, send us a message.
In the early 70’s I put the malachite and the shocking pink together one as background and the other a four letter word. The colors together moved. I’m wanting to do that again. So seeing if I’m the right track with these two colors. Thanks
Eco AardvarkSeptember 17th, 2020
Nice selection. I’d have to recommend a nice dayglo orange to round it out to lucky number seven :::-)
In the early 70’s I put the malachite and the shocking pink together one as background and the other a four letter word. The colors together moved. I’m wanting to do that again. So seeing if I’m the right track with these two colors. Thanks
Nice selection. I’d have to recommend a nice dayglo orange to round it out to lucky number seven :::-)