This country has 3 colors in their national flag which are Upsdell Red (#AE1C28), White (#FFFFFF) and Dark Cornflower Blue (#21468B).
This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.
Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes.
The colors in the national flag of The Netherlands are red, white and blue. The exact specification of the colors were defined by the Ministry of the Navy on August 16, 1949, as bright vermillion, white and cobalt blue. As per the RAL color system, used extensively in Europe, the colors codes are 2002, 9010 and 5013. Their hexadecimal values are #AE1C28, #FFFFFF and #21468B. The corresponding RGB and CMYK are in the table. The closest PantoneĀ® values are 7621 C and 7687 C for the red and blue, respectively.
Based on the Statenvlag (States Flag), the flag of The Netherlands (de Nederlandse vlag as it’s called in Dutch), is one of the oldest tricolours still in use. It has inspired flags of other states and countries including Russia and France. Also, the Dutch flag is almost identical to that of Luxembourg because of which Michel Wolter, in 2006, started a debate to have the Luxembourg flag changed.
Before the royal decree of 19 February 1937, which clearly indicated the colors, the red in the Dutch flag was replaced with orange from the Prinsenvlag (the Prince’s Flag).
By the way, Holland is a region in The Netherlands, though the term is also used to represent the whole country.
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