Color Name: | Puce |
HEX Code: | #CE9399 |
HEX8 Code: | #FFCE9399 |
RGB Code: | (206, 147, 153) |
CMYK Code: | 0, 0.286, 0.257, 0.192 |
The approximate English language name for the #CE9399 hexadecimal color code is Puce. Its closest web safe color is #D8A9AD. The tints, tones and shades are displayed below.
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The RGB equivalent of is #CE9399 hex color code (206, 147, 153). This means it is composed of 206% red, 147% green and 153% blue.
Hex color code #CE9399 equivalent in CMYK is 0% cyan, 0.286% magenta, 0.257% yellow and 0.192% black.
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