HomeCountry FlagsGermany Flag Colors

Germany Flag Colors Hex, RGB & CMYK Codes

Flag of Germany

This country has 3 colors in their national flag which are Black (#000000), Electric Red (#DD0000) and Tangerine Yellow (#FFCE00).

This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.

Color Information Shades
  • Name: Black
  • Hex: #000000
  • RGB: (0, 0, 0)
  • CMYK: NAN, NAN, NAN, 1
Electric Red
  • Name: Electric Red
  • Hex: #dd0000
  • RGB: (221, 0, 0)
  • CMYK: 0, 1, 1, 0.133
Tangerine Yellow
  • Name: Tangerine Yellow
  • Hex: #ffce00
  • RGB: (255, 206, 0)
  • CMYK: 0, 0.192, 1, 0

Flag of Germany has three colors – black, red and yellow. These are placed in equal-sized horizontal stripes. The colors comes from the three political parties in the country – democratic, centrist and republican.

As per the RAL color system followed in Europe, the German flag colors are Jet black (9005), Traffic red (3020) and Rapeseed yellow (1021). Their Pantone® equivalents are Black, 485 and 7405. And the corresponding RGB web colors are 0,0,0 (black), 255,0,0 (red) and 255,204,0 (yellow) with hexadecimal values #000000, #FF0000, #FFCC00.

There has been tremendous debate over the yellow/gold in the Flagge Deutschlands. Typically, in the study of flag, “gold” is used interchangeably with “yellow”. However, in the case of the flag of Germany, the color always means gold; and the flag is referred to as Schwarz-Rot-Gold (Black, Red and Gold) in German.

In addition to the national German flag (black-red-gold tricolour) which was adopted in 1919, the country has another set of three colors – black, white and red – and these were used in the flag of the German Empire created by unifying the country in 1871.

  • Michael May 7th, 2019

    Pantone Black
    CMYK 0|0|0|100
    RAL 9005

    Pantone 485 (Red)
    CMYK 0|100|100|0
    RAL 3020

    Pantone Mix (765 g, Red 032: 26 g, Black: 11 g, transp. White: 198 g)
    Alt.: Pantone 7405
    CMYK 0|12|100|5
    RAL 1021

  • Ralf April 13th, 2020


    your German description is awful wrong! The official colours are Traffic Red (RAL 3020) or CMYK 0/100/100/0 and Melon Yellow (RAL 1028) or 0/20/100/0.
    The given Pantone 7405 is from a Corporate Identity document which describes colours to be taken for decorative backgrounds and similar purposes – AND NOT FOR FLAGS!
    The same brochure gives the flag colours as HKS 14 and HKS 5 which are nearly the same as the given RAL colours!
    By the way: Some year ago an official described the colour as lemon yellow – yes, two letters interchanged, his personal English… I can send you a pic of the brochure if you want…

    Greetings, and keep in good health.

  • Ralf April 13th, 2020

    I forgot to send this:

    BY THE WAY: Your shown FFCE00 IS HKS 5 and/or RAL 1028…

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