The Camping Party Color Scheme has 4 colors, which are Sandy Brown (#F8A668), Milk Chocolate (#8D5733), Rifle Green (#46483C) and Moss Green (#8C8E61). The RGB and CMYK values of the colors are in the table below along with the closest RAL and PANTONE® numbers. Click on a color chip to view shades, tints and tones, and also download patterns, gradients and palettes of the color.
Color name, hex codes, RGB, CMYK, RAL and Pantone values
Color name and codes
Name: Sandy Brown
Hex: #F8A668
RGB: (248, 166, 104)
CMYK: (0, 33, 58, 3)
HSV: 26° 58% 97%
HSL: 26° 91% 69%
RAL: 1017
Pantone: 714 C
Name: Milk Chocolate
Hex: #8D5733
RGB: (141, 87, 51)
CMYK: (0, 38, 64, 45)
HSV: 24° 64% 55%
HSL: 24° 47% 38%
RAL: 8004
Pantone: 7567 C
Name: Rifle Green
Hex: #46483C
RGB: (70, 72, 60)
CMYK: (3, 0, 17, 72)
HSV: 70° 17% 28%
HSL: 70° 9% 26%
RAL: 6014
Pantone: 446 C
Name: Moss Green
Hex: #8C8E61
RGB: (140, 142, 97)
CMYK: (1, 0, 32, 44)
HSV: 63° 32% 56%
HSL: 63° 19% 47%
RAL: 7034
Pantone: 5773 C
info Note: CMYK color codes, RAL numbers and Pantone values have been calculated from the hex color code and are not exact. English color names are based on our extensive research on color nomenclature. In case of doubts, clarifications or suggestions, send us a message.