HomeCountry FlagsBrazil Flag Colors

Brazil Flag Colors Hex, RGB & CMYK Codes

Flag of Brazil

This country has 4 colors in their national flag which are North Texas Green (#009C3B), Golden Yellow (#FFDF00), Catalina Blue (#002776) and White (#FFFFFF).

This color combination was created by user Schemecolor. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below.

Color Information Shades
North Texas Green
  • Name: North Texas Green
  • Hex: #009C3B
  • RGB: (0, 156, 59)
  • CMYK: 1, 0, 0.621, 0.388
Golden Yellow
  • Name: Golden Yellow
  • Hex: #FFDF00
  • RGB: (255, 223, 0)
  • CMYK: 0, 0.125, 1, 0
Catalina Blue
  • Name: Catalina Blue
  • Hex: #002776
  • RGB: (0, 39, 118)
  • CMYK: 1, 0.669, 0, 0.537
  • Name: White
  • Hex: #FFFFFF
  • RGB: (255, 255, 255)
  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

The colors in the flag of Brazil are green, yellow, blue and white. Though these have not been specified officially, hexadecimal values of #009C3B, #FFDF00, #002776 and #FFFFFF are the best fit. The closest Pantone® (PMS) equivalents are 355 C, Yellow C and 288 C for the green, yellow and blue, respectively. The corresponding RGB and CMYK codes are given in the table.

The flag of Brazil is known as Verde e amarela (The Green and Yellow) or, sometimes, Auriverde (The Gold-Green). The green is from the House of Braganza of Pedro I, the first Emperor of Brazil, and the yellow is from the House of Habsburg, the wife of the Emperor. The arrangement of the stars is the same as the one in the sky over Rio de Janeiro on the 15th of November 1889, the day the country became a Republic. The Southern Cross is featured in the Brazilian flag.

The national flag was adopted on the 19th of November 1889, four days after Brazil became a republic. It was derived from the earlier imperial flag (of the Emperor of Brazil) and features a centrally placed yellow rhombus over a green field. A circular blue circle with 27 stars adorns the present day flag. Across the blue circle is a band with the motto – Ordem e Progresso (English: Order and Progress).

The first flag of the Brazilian Republic had only 21 stars representing each of the Brazilian Federative Unit at that time. Additional stars were added over the years because, as per the country’s law, the flag has to be updated as states are added or removed.

  • Gabriel Alves October 28th, 2019

    The Brazilian flag has 4 colors, 2 greens, white, yellow and blue.

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